Lena Herrmann

Lena is a passionated climber living in Frankenjura spending her time training, climbing and being a busy student.. She loves being a part of the climbing community :)

Arnaud Petit et Stéphanie Bodet
We don't need to introduce them.. This legendary couple has been traveling the world for opening multi-pitches routes since a decade.
Salome Romain

Salomé Romain is a young and very promising French competitor in lead climbing. She's willing to give her best in comps in the next few years in addition to being a student in health in Lyon.

Eline Le Menestrel
Eline lives in Barcelona where she is organizing her life around music (flute) and climbing at the cliffs like Montserrat, Siurana, ..
Thomas Caleyron

Thomas is a very talented French competitor and boulderer. He is well-known for his technique and very clean unique style.
Lucien Martinez

Lucien is a very strong sports climber from Toulouse. He climbed his first 9a last spring and he's training hard for trying the famous route "Fight or flight" this winter in Oliana, Spain.